Root causes of some issues within the collective unconscious can be tracked and hunted deep within the prehistoric period and some may go even way before that. While we know much of the Prehistory from Archaelogy, the Genetic Regression can also tell us the evolutionary history of the early ancestors of humankind and even before further into the animals before mammals and so on. We should consider to improve our regression technique and science of genetic memory so that we can be successful in unraveling the true prehistory with our effort, as we can not dig every place in the world to uncover the prehistory enough and even if we did that it wouldn't give the information that could be potentially remembered by applying the proper Regression techniques on our past lives and genetic memory. Most of us may not remember primitive lifetimes as humanoids when they check their past lives. But everyone can check the genetic memory because the chance of living as a hominid species is based on the population of the hominid species. Because there is a straight line of genetics all the way to humankind's earlier ancestors. This would not be an easy undertaking as there may be much more imminent and significant events to remember way before primitive period, those may have far more effect on the current reality of the person when they start to apply Regression Therapy. Most of the Regression Therapist may not bother to dig this deep as there is no significance if their clients are not directly start to remember an event from the prehistoric period. Regression through Genetics is not a much applied technique in Regression Therapy and genetic memory is most of the time got into question in Family Constellations. Family Constellations therapist most of the time feel it's not important to go before 7 or 12 generations as the energy gets much more dissipated to collective and thus they assume the events won't hold karmic or psychological significance for their clients'. But these are assumptions that could only be verified if we try and check them. But we may all be very busy with many things already. But for most of my time I'm busy researching these subjects, so I can apply regression techniques to remember way back with joy of curiosity for my profession. I'm not here to tell you stories or memories that I uncovered from the depths of my unconscious. But I will gladly share you some findings that may be significant to help and guide you if you're interested in prehistoric period or if you remembered memories of prehistoric times while you were doing regression on yourself or through your dreams that may be very significant to you. ## What to Expect from Remembering Primitive Human I suppose this subject is very important as there is a horizon for our consciousness that may be limited to our beliefs and mentality. Remembering primitive lifetimes needs some preparation to make the mind receptive to certain elements that come with such memories. Primitive period of the humankind is a bridging period that separates the Homo Sapiens and other hominid species from the rest of the mammals and other animals. The most significant evolutionary specialty of the ancestral hominids is that their body became much more aligned to hold mind and express. Their bodies were much more apt at applying what their minds could imagine and plan, they had a better instrument to express their minds. Their evolutionary advantages compared to other mammals is that they used their wit and cunning to survive and this driven them to improve their mind along with their body. Their mind-body relationship was much more fertile than other animals before the invention of tools, construction of buildings and the emergence of language. They could do the things that other animal species could only picture in their fantasies. But still their mentality is much more like animals compared to current human mentality. ### The Most Dangerous Animal in Nature We have to accept the killer-predator genetic memory as it's how our early ancestors had survived. They had to embrace violence for their survival and they had to get good at it and using their minds they were much prone to become the most proficient killer and the most dangerous species in nature with their bodies aptitude to application of the mind's plans of hunt, defense and offense. A human could be seen as prey for predator animals but still their mind-body coordination gave them the advantage to not just defend against their predators but hunt them as a means of eradicating the threats before they arose. This is not something prey animals could do easily, they either hide or run and fight only when there is no option left and fail miserably compared to the defensive skills of the hominid species which can invent ranged weapons or blades/axes/spears sharper than any claws, fangs or talons to kill from distance along with the ability to use natural poisons with their weapons if they won't eat the meat and they still took steps to improve their defensive skills by building and improving structures that protected hominids from the dangers of the nature, including disasters. Killing was natural for the members of primitive hominid species. This could be a fact that is very far away for our mental and cognitive horizon. Thus remembering primitive human lifetimes or genetic memories can surface many instincts, emotions and thoughts that are related somehow to killing. This is why we may have much fun when playing video games that include violence such as Action and Shooter games. It directly tickles this primitive instincts that demands and desire survival and killing had been a proven way to acquire nourishment from preys as well as protection from predators for the mentality of our early ancestors. We have to deal with this when we remember these dark times even it denies our ethical principles of current times. But earlier humans were the most dangerous species in nature. ### The Most Social Animal in Nature Loneliness was a big problem for primitive human as this would reduce their chance of survival against natural dangers. ### The Most Creative Animal in Nature ## Hominid Evolution is not Linear but Branched There are many hominid species that had been discovered by Archaeology and Anthropology. They do date their findings and estimate a timeline for their existence and extinction but we should not take it as a linear evolutionary progression. There are no clear cut thresholds of when a species became evolved or get extinct. We are talking about time periods that span millions of years and a lot could have been happened in the history of nature and early human societies. When I remember primitive lifetimes I had came to memories that different hominid species were living in competition and sometimes it was a bit like war. They had very different psychological habits. As far as I know from my personal learning and research